In this typical arch wire design, the labial bow typically encircles the six front teeth and connects the acrylic between the canine and the first premolar. However, the labial section can be limited to a part of the front area or extended distally to include the first molar.

Soldered Hawley
standard Hawley

flatbow Hawley
The Flat Hawley utilizes a flat wire that makes contact with the labial surface of the anterior teeth and is soldered to adjustment loops at the cuspids. This flat wire extends to the distal side of the cuspids, providing additional retention to stabilize them after movement.

Wrap Around Hawley
The Wrap Around Hawley provides outstanding final retention. It is typically soldered to the buccal bar of the Adams Clasp or to “C” Clasps. This wrapping method prevents occlusal interferences and maintains interproximal contacts.

modified spring Hawley
The Spring Hawley Retainer is effective for correcting minor rotations and crowding of up 1-1/2mm from cuspid to cuspid in the teeth. It is important to note that the Spring Hawley is not intended to increase arch width or length; instead, the necessary space for addressing crowding is achieved through careful interproximal recontouring in the anterior area only.
Before creating the retainer, the lab will separate the rotated and crowded anterior teeth from the stone cast and reposition them in an ideal alignment. The appliance is then crafted based on this corrected positioning and returned to you for delivery. On the delivery day, perform the required interproximal recontouring before placing the appliance. When in use, the spring action of the cus wires applies a gentle labial-lingual force to help align the teeth. As the appliance is designed for the "ideal" position, it may not fit perfectly in the patient's mouth until the teeth adjust. Once the teeth are aligned, the appliance can as a final retainer. Note: Adequate vertical dimension is crucial since tooth movement occurs in a labial-lingual direction. If the patient has a closed vertical and the upper and lower anteriors are already in contact, movement will not take place.

Clear bow Retainer
The Clear Bow Retainer features a design similar a traditional Hawley, but with a front labial bow made from unbreakable, BPA-free plastic orthodontic wire. This material allows us to offer enhanced strength, durability, and visual appeal. Adjustments can be made easily through U-loops.